5 Nuggets of Wisdom for the New Homeschool Mom


*Nugget 1* 
Let The Bible Be Your Guide. 

Make sure you are grounded in God's Word every day.  There is so much out there telling us what to do, what to believe, and how to live. Make sure you are looking to God's Word as your ultimate guide.

*Nugget 2*
Keep It Simple.

You are enough.  Don't feel pressured to buy every overpriced, trendy classroom gadget that Amazon has to offer.  Simplicity is key.  An organized space suitable for learning and a mom dedicated to teaching is what your children need in order to learn.

*Nugget 3*
Trust Your Curriculum.

Pick a solid, Bible-based curriculum that works for your family and stick with it.  Don't feel the need to constantly add more to it.  The reality is:  All those extras are making your homeschool overwhelming and unproductive.

*Nugget 4*
Don't Over Schedule.  

Homeschool will take a good chunk of your day, plus there is housework to do, meals to prepare, and often church activities.   Keep your family's schedule light.  Don't sign your children up for multiple extracurricular activities and classes.  Pick one activity or class they truly enjoy and forget the rest.  Everyone will be much less stressed and life will be so much more enjoyable.

*Nugget 5*
Go Back To Your "Why."

When the days get long and discouragement clouds your mind remember why you chose to homeschool in the first place.  Your children are precious gifts from God.  God chose you to be their mom; therefore, you are the most qualified teacher they could ever have.  Teach them well-Love them well-Rest in God's plan.

**Credit for Quote: Teaching with TLC   http://www.teachingwithtlc.com/


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