Last Minute Tips from an Experienced Director & Actors: Church Christmas Play Edition

With Christmas drawing near, perhaps you or your child have been asked to be in a church Christmas pageant, play, cantata, choir, etc. Perhaps you have been asked to direct said pageant, cantata, or play. If you are new to this arena, or would just appreciate some tips- 3 Ladies 3 Minutes happen to be actors, writers, and one of us is an experienced director. Our church is mid-size, and all of us have had the opportunity to be involved in drama, 2 of us for many years. So it is close to the dress rehearsal time and you are looking for ways to make everything go smoothly, we have some tips from experience.

First up, tips from the actors in our group:

1. Nervousness is normal. It is better to deal with it before performance night than at the moment of fate. Figure out what makes you calm at dress rehearsal so you have a plan for the night of the performance. Might be as simple as deep breaths, prayer is always good, maybe a song, whatever makes you calm.

2. Be confident in your lines. Make sure they are memorized as well as cues. This will make it easy for everyone involved, and you may even be able to help out a fellow actor when they stumble. If you do stumble or don't use the exact word, keep going. Nobody but the director noticed!

3. Get into your character. Whether your character is a shepherd, a parent, or even a non-speaking role, think of how your character would respond to things, their mannerisms, etc. If they are a fearful character think of how you act when you are scared and get into it. If they change during the play, your mannerisms, reactions, and all should change as well. Body language is an important part of your character.

4. Get there early. The last thing you want to be is out of breath and stressed before you even begin. Give yourself plenty of time to get to your church, have some quiet time, and even pray together with the other cast members.

5. Do your best! The point of church Christmas plays is to point people to God and the Gospel. Therefore, we should do our utmost with the ability the Lord has given us. This may be the only Gospel presentation some people who are unsaved are willing to come to church for so take your role seriously and do your best as to the Lord!

** If your child is in a play, help them to achieve these goals at an age-appropriate level. Kids are a lot sharper than we give them credit for sometimes!

Tips from a Veteran Director:



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